
Integrating reputational information as actionable insights

We created an API that monitors the reputation of companies based on ML and Sentiment Analysis, which can be integrated into their own systems and processes while harnessing the power of ML to make business decisions.

The Challenge

RepTrak, the world's leading reputation data and insights company, needed a way to help its users integrate the information derived from their company’s online reputation into their everyday workflow to help them make accurate decisions that their users feel comfortable with. We were tasked with creating an API that would integrate seamlessly with all the Business Intelligence programs that RepTrak’s customers use, and that would deliver information in real time.

The Challenge

RepTrak, the world's leading reputation data and insights company, needed a way to help its users integrate the information derived from their company’s online reputation into their everyday workflow to help them make accurate decisions that their users feel comfortable with. We were tasked with creating an API that would integrate seamlessly with all the Business Intelligence programs that RepTrak’s customers use, and that would deliver information in real time.

The outcome

RepTrak now has a new digital product that’s delivering increased value to their clients, generating business and sparking a buzz. The optimized API allows for the display of results quickly and in customizable views, ready to integrate into their clients’ workflow and Business Intelligence systems, such as Tableau and others, keeping them up-to-date with their latest information and transforming it into actionable insights that guide the best possible decisions.

The outcome

RepTrak now has a new digital product that’s delivering increased value to their clients, generating business and sparking a buzz. The optimized API allows for the display of results quickly and in customizable views, ready to integrate into their clients’ workflow and Business Intelligence systems, such as Tableau and others, keeping them up-to-date with their latest information and transforming it into actionable insights that guide the best possible decisions.

Project breakdown


2 Senior Backend Developers and 1 Senior Devops, who work seamlessly embedded into RepTrak’s team.


ongoing project - API has already launched a first version but we’re delving into new challenges within RepTrak.


Ongoing project

Tech Stack

Python with fast API + AWS with Terraform.

The outcome

RepTrak now has a new digital product that’s delivering increased value to their clients, generating business and sparking a buzz. The optimized API allows for the display of results quickly and in customizable views, ready to integrate into their clients’ workflow and Business Intelligence systems, such as Tableau and others, keeping them up-to-date with their latest information and transforming it into actionable insights that guide the best possible decisions.

Increased customer satisfaction by 36%

The outcome

RepTrak is the world's leading reputation data and insights company. Using proprietary Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis algorithms, they gather data points around a number of aspects of a company that range from brand perception to workforce treatment or environmental impact and measure them recurrently, providing visibility and transforming numbers into an actionable insight.    Its users could access their data by logging in on their platform and visualizing the latest available information. But this process didn’t prove functional to their needs, preventing growing the long tail which meant RepTrak needed to devise a way to automate the transformation of cold, hard data into current information that could be acted upon.    That’s where Arionkoder came in and made an impact. We proposed discovery workshop to understand Reptrak’s challenges and from those outcomes we came up with a solution based on an API that would integrate the information provided by RepTrak with each company’s Business Intelligence flow: this transforms information into an asset. It also enables users to set alarms that push them towards action once their values increase or decrease, amongst other client-facing features.    Once we agreed on the idea, we delved into technical details such as needs and structure, as well as a high-level process mapping. We knew that identity authentication needed to be an important part of the project, since RepTrak’s information is very sensitive. We also knew our solution needed to integrate with most BI solutions in order to deliver its maximum value.

The outcome

RepTrak is the world's leading reputation data and insights company. Using proprietary Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis algorithms, they gather data points around a number of aspects of a company that range from brand perception to workforce treatment or environmental impact and measure them recurrently, providing visibility and transforming numbers into an actionable insight.    Its users could access their data by logging in on their platform and visualizing the latest available information. But this process didn’t prove functional to their needs, preventing growing the long tail which meant RepTrak needed to devise a way to automate the transformation of cold, hard data into current information that could be acted upon.    That’s where Arionkoder came in and made an impact. We proposed discovery workshop to understand Reptrak’s challenges and from those outcomes we came up with a solution based on an API that would integrate the information provided by RepTrak with each company’s Business Intelligence flow: this transforms information into an asset. It also enables users to set alarms that push them towards action once their values increase or decrease, amongst other client-facing features.    Once we agreed on the idea, we delved into technical details such as needs and structure, as well as a high-level process mapping. We knew that identity authentication needed to be an important part of the project, since RepTrak’s information is very sensitive. We also knew our solution needed to integrate with most BI solutions in order to deliver its maximum value.

“The team has been great. Reliable, knowledgeable, and skilled at web development and DevOps.”

A.J. St. Aubin

Engineering Manager @ RepTrak

The project was impressively big and had many aspects to be solved, so we faced it by dividing it into different stages. Working together with RepTrak’s team, in just a few weeks we launched an initial version of the API in order to start achieving results that deliver value for their customers. We wanted it to be perfect, though, and that’s why we added some additional weeks for details. 

Now users can access their data permanently and quickly, integrate it into their workflows, decide how to visualize it and set alarms to act upon it when conditions change.  

RepTrak is excited to be able to offer a new product that goes the extra mile and we’re thrilled to have been a part of the transformation!

Better decisions by integrating reputational information into their workflows

"The best part about working with Arionkoder is the quality of the resources that they were able to help us find."

Matt Spilich

Senior Director of Engineering @ RepTrak

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